Projects & Extracurriculars

This page contains blog posts about my professional experiences

Blog Posts

In this project, I took the raw text from a list of internships I had applied to and used Python to convert it into an Excel file. I leveraged libraries like pandas to clean up the data and structure it into columns—such as company name, position, and application date. Once I had the basic data set up, I imported it...

In this project, I dive into a dataset containing the closing prices of the Magnificent 7 stocks (AAPL, AMZN, GOOGL, META, MSFT, NVDA, TSLA) from November 2014 to November 2024. My goal was to figure out which of these stocks performed the best based purely on price movements. I focused on comparing their performance both year-to-date (YTD) and...

Being a member of the Young Investors Club has its perks! One of greatest experiences I've had so far is attending Moneyshow University in Orlando. This event is specially-designed for students like myself who want to smartly invest for their future. There were a series of guest speakers, like Peter Schiff, Stephen Moore, Keith Fitz-Gerald, Charles...

As a first-time voter this election, I am ecstatic to cast my ballot to make my voice heard. I understand the power that a vote holds and wish that every citizen would share the same mindset. According to this study that analyzed voter turnout in 2018-2022 elections, Asian-Americans are a demographic with one of the lowest voter turnout...

Data scientists have many tools under their belt. All of which help them analyze data in various ways. In the world of data analysis, one tool that I think is particularly useful for bridging the gap between professionals and consumers is Tableau Public. It would be unusual for an aspiring data professional to not have his own profile! Thus,...

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