Go Out and Vote! Encouraging Participation in Democracy


As a first-time voter this election, I am ecstatic to cast my ballot to make my voice heard. I understand the power that a vote holds and wish that every citizen would share the same mindset. According to this study that analyzed voter turnout in 2018-2022 elections, Asian-Americans are a demographic with one of the lowest voter turnout rates in the country. Consequently, they make up the smallest amount of ballots cast. 

Being half-Filipino myself, I volunteered as a phone-banker for APIAVote to encourage other Asian-Americans to vote in this upcoming election. In my first phone-banking session, I made a record high count of 59 calls in two hours. I am proud to share this as a reflection of my motivation to participate in democracy. To be able to vote is a privilege, and I will continue to spread the word to as many Americans as I can!

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