PROJECT: Investment Decision for Polaris Capital
Polaris Capital wants to diversify its portfolio by expanding into new sectors. This project navigates a dataset to find the best components for a proper investment.
In this project, I explored the aviation accident dataset that the National Transportation Safety Board has kept updated since 1962. For the business problem I wanted to address, I needed to look at and compare all the aircraft components to find the safest investment for Polaris Capital, an imaginary business that I created for this project. This GitHub repository contains a Jupyter Notebook that highlights my data preparation process and the visualizations I created along the way. Also, a Google Slideshow presentation that gives the final recommendations for Polaris Capital.
Like a good data scientist does, I also uploaded a new dashboard to my Tableau profile. It contains relevant visualizations that compare the final aircraft recommendations I made in the project. If you don't want spoilers, I suggest checking it out last!